woensdag 18 januari 2012

Conference announcement: Optimizing performance in dynamic environments


Organizers: Eli Brenner and Rob van Beers

Where: Faculty of Human Movement Sciences of the VU University Amsterdam.

When: From noon on Monday the 2nd of July until the early afternoon on
Thursday the 5th of July 2012.

What: The meeting will be about optimizing performance in dynamic
environments. It will examine how various kinds of information
acquired at various moments are combined for making appropriate
decisions. The decisions in question are decisions that underlie
behaviour such as goal-directed eye and arm movements and movements of
the whole body. The meeting will consider both sensory and motor
issues in human performance, and will include behavioural and brain
imaging studies as well as computational modelling.

Speakers will include:

Gustavo Deco
Jörn Diedrichsen
Benoni Edin
Marc Ernst
Karl Gegenfurtner
Vassilia Hatzitaki
Michael Herzog
Pascal Mamassian
Guillaume Masson
Anna Montagnini
Michele Rucci
Jeroen Smeets
Andy Smith
Andrew Welchman

There will also be talks and posters by other participants, including
post-docs and PhD students.

This will be the final meeting of an EU training project (CODDE), but
there will also be place for about 50 participants from outside the

If you are interested in taking part please let us know. There is no
registration fee, but the space is limited (deadline 1 April or when
the maximal number of people who will fit in the lecture hall is

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