vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

workshop: "Neural Coding, Decision-Making & Integration in Time"

"This workshop brings together researchers from fields of computational neuroscience, electrophysiology & behavioral neuroscience to discuss the computational principles underlying neural coding of motor coordination & sensory integration in time with focus on adaptive behavior. Recent research highlights that uncertainty is one of the central problems in cue combination and Bayesian statistics is the systematic way of calculating with uncertainties. Importantly, statistics defines a unified language that can be used both for analyzing why the nervous system works the way it does as well as analyzing how it does so. Within the statistical framework we can formulate the problem of integration of multimodal information over time. The disciplines presented at the workshop include computational neuroscience, Bayesian statistics, psychophysics, neurophysiology, & cognitive science. Central to the format of the proposed workshop is the strong link between computational & empirical neuroscientists. A key aspect of all workshop contributions will be the development of a common theoretical language to be used across behavioral & electrophysiological experiments. The conference is organized as a workshop for 40 selected participants. The central part of the program consists of invited lectures of leading researchers from the fields of computational neuroscience, electrophysiology & behavioral neuroscience; the meeting focuses on creating a common language across these disciplines. The topics chosen, focus on the fundamental problems & limits behind existing theoretical approaches of modeling the neural processing driving human & animal behavior. Selected participants will be invited to present their work in a poster session."


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