dinsdag 15 februari 2011

Grasping the non-conscious: Preserved grip scaling to unseen objects for immediate but not delayed grasping following a unilateral lesion to primary visual cortex



Feed: ScienceDirect Publication: Vision Research
Posted on: dinsdag 15 februari 2011 6:38
Author: ScienceDirect Publication: Vision Research
Subject: Grasping the non-conscious: Preserved grip scaling to unseen objects for immediate but not delayed grasping following a unilateral lesion to primary visual cortex


Publication year: 2011
Source: Vision Research, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 13 February 2011
Robert L., Whitwell , Christopher L., Striemer , David A., Nicolle , Melvyn A., Goodale
Patients with damage to primary visual cortex can sometimes direct actions towards 'unseen' targets located in areas of the visual field that are deemed 'blind' on the basis of static perimetry tests. Here, we show that a patient with a complete right homonymous hemianopia after a V1 lesion remains sensitive to the width of objects presented in her blind field but only when reaching out to grasp them in 'real-time'. A subsequent fMRI experiment revealed spared extra-geniculostriate pathways, which may mediate her preserved abilities. Taken together, the results support the view that visually guided movements can be mediated by pathways...

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