maandag 4 oktober 2010

FW: Contributions of Ideal Observer Theory to Vision Research



Feed: ScienceDirect Publication: Vision Research
Posted on: 04 October 2010 06:31
Author: ScienceDirect Publication: Vision Research
Subject: Contributions of Ideal Observer Theory to Vision Research


Publication year: 2010
Source: Vision Research, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 October 2010
Wilson S., Geisler
An ideal observer is a hypothetical device that performs optimally in a perceptual task given the available information. The theory of ideal observers has proven to be a powerful and useful tool in vision research, which has been applied to a wide range of problems. Here I first summarize the basic concepts and logic of ideal observer analysis and then briefly describe applications in a number of different areas, including pattern detection, discrimination and estimation, perceptual grouping, shape, depth and motion perception and visual attention, with an emphasis on recent applications. Given recent advances in mathematical statistics, in computational power,...

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