zaterdag 26 november 2011

"Bayesian confusions surrounding simplicity and likelihood in perceptual organization"


In the study of perceptual organization, the Occamian simplicity
principle (which promotes efficiency) and the Helmholtzian likelihood
principle (which promotes veridicality) have been claimed to be
equivalent. Proposed models of these principles may well yield similar
outcomes (especially in everyday situations), but as argued here,
claims that the principles are equivalent confused subjective
probabilities (which are used in Bayesian models of the Occamian
simplicity principle) and objective probabilities (which are needed in
Bayesian models of the Helmholtzian likelihood principle).
Furthermore, Occamian counterparts of Bayesian priors and conditionals
have led to another confusion, which seems to have been triggered by a
dual role of regularity in perception. This confusion is discussed by
contrasting complete and incomplete Occamian approaches to perceptual

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